Back Pain & Stiffness Treatment Crofton, MD | PT For Back Pain Crofton

If You’ve Got Lower Back Pain, Stiffness Or A Dull Ache That Just Won’t Go Away – You Might Be Thinking That It’s Nothing And That It Will Go Away On Its Own. Or, You Pass It Off As Having Just “Slept Awkwardly”, Or That It’s Just A “Spasm” Or A Bit Of Stiffness That “Everyone” Your Age Suffers From... 

You may not be able to think of a specific reason why it happened- but it doesn’t seem to be getting any better!

If this is happening to you, you’re NOT alone - and we hear this type of thing all the time. In fact, Lower Back Pain and Sciatica is THE most common problem that we see in our physical therapy office in Crofton, Maryland.

And when it comes to living with back pain, everybody we see wants to know

"Why is This Happening to me?"


“Why Am I Still Suffering With Back Pain After Dealing With It For 6 Months OR longer?

Most people hope that when they have Back Pain, it will simply go away on its own.

That one morning they will wake up and “magically” it will disappear ... But then 6 months later you begin to realize that you are still living on a daily basis with back pain that is often even worse than it was when it began.

Does this sound Like You?

Does it seem like no one is really listening to you and dismisses you? Everyone tells you “it’s just a fact of life as you get older”. Did you go to the Doctors’, and the Doctor tells you to rest and “try these painkillers or muscle relaxers” and “see how it goes”? We hear about these encounters every day at our Physical Therapy office.

But this is rarely ever the best advice and often 6 weeks later, they end up going back to the Doctor again because it hasn’t gotten any better. Worse, they’re often given yet another prescription of even stronger pills and advised EVEN MORE rest. This is incredibly frustrating and explains why so many people aged 35+ are suffering with chronic lower back pain.

Has this type of thing happened to you?

You may be asking yourself at this point why else does back pain last longer than it should? Well, it’s easy to get confused because you’ve been told different things by so many different people. There’s lots of people out there who are happy to give you their advice and opinion, and even more places to find “advice” on the internet - but not all of it is credible.

Maybe you think your back pain was caused by something you did - like lifting something or sleeping in a weird position - but really it was caused by years and years of poor posture that made the muscles in your lower back become weak and the lifting or the weird sleeping position was just the EFFECT of that and not the cause.

Even if you don't have pain every day, are you concerned about the pain popping up during the most inconvenient time? Are you worried about the pain striking on vacation or during a family event that ruins the trip for everyone? Are you feeling like you can’t keep up with your family and friends because you may be in back pain later?

For most people - back pain can be very confusing and frustrating especially if you don’t know what to do about it. This is the single biggest reason why most people just end up accepting it as ‘part of life’ - as if it’s normal, and ‘just the way it is’. In fact, this is probably the same thing that some of your friends and family told you…”it’s just what happens as we age”.

Do You Feel That Way Too?

If you’re currently living with back pain, here’s 7 more reasons why it could be lasting longer than it should:

  • 1. You thought it would magically go away on its own - but it didn’t
  • 2. You went to the Doctor who told you to rest, take painkillers and muscle relaxers - but the pills did little to help your back, and as soon as they wore off your chronic Back Pain struck again!
  • 3. A family member, or friend, told you that everybody gets Back pain as they get older, so you just accepted it as a part of aging
  • 4. You tried other Healthcare Professionals, or a Physical Therapist in the past, but it just didn’t seem to make a difference
  • 5. You searched the internet, watched some video exercises or got ideas that promised immediate relief but they either didn’t do a thing, or even made your Back pain ten times worse
  • 6. You thought it would be a good idea to rest and relax because your Back pain was so bad or because of number 5 above, but all that did was make it feel even more stiff and tight
  • 7. You decided to get a few “massages” hoping that would fix your back, but all they did was feel nice and relaxing in the moment, and didn’t do anything to fix it long term…

If any of this sounds familiar to you - we would love to help you by inviting you to book a call to talk with one of our specialists at our Crofton clinic, Breakaway Physical Therapy to find out what can be done to help YOU. The fact that you’ve tried any or all these things already is actually a GOOD THING because now that you can eliminate what doesn’t work - you are one step closer to finding the thing that does!

Click the link below to schedule a call with us if you would like to get some solid advice given to you over the phone. The phone call is complementary and there is absolutely no obligation to book any appointments with us after the call is over. Our goal is to help YOU make the right decision about what to do next that will be the best thing for your health.

What can I do to get rid Of My Back Pain  Quickly?...

Well, here's 4 things you can start with:

  • 1. Firstly, we get caught in a cycle where we can’t decide about getting help. You have tried things, they haven’t worked so patients often find themselves living with back issues and just hoping it will go away. We put off deciding about getting help and suddenly feel ourselves 6 months down the line, nothing has changed except how much you should watch what you do.
  • 2. Next, do the RIGHT exercises - one of the best things to help you ease your Back pain is to do the correct series of progressed exercises - the right exercises given to you by a Physical Therapist will provide pain relief, and allow you to move more easily - and make sure that you get to the root of what’s causing the problem, so it won’t come back anytime soon (or aggravate your back and make it even worse like some exercises do).
  • 3. Avoid sitting and long periods of rest - ever tried to get up from the sofa after resting for a while, but you struggle because your back is so tight and simply won’t loosen up? That’s because one of the worst things you can do that makes your Back pain worse, is rest and sitting for long periods of time. Too much rest and sitting in awkward positions, like crossing your legs, makes your back stiff and tight. You would benefit greatly by being given the correct strengthening exercises for better posture, along with hands-on treatment, to get you active and healthy as quickly as possible.
  • 4. Get real, “hands-on” Physical Therapy - Physical Therapy is proven to help people with low-back pain. In fact, at Breakaway Physical Therapy it’s one of the most common injuries we see. If your back pain is affecting your job, your ability to keep active, if it threatens your independence or gets in the way of spending quality time with family and friends - Physical Therapy can help get you back to living the life you deserve as quickly as possible.

If you would like to know how the Physical Therapy team at Breakaway Physical Therapy can help you live with less Back pain - we would like to invite you to start with a completely free, no-obligation, risk free, no pressure appointment at our office:

Note: This Free Breakthrough Visit is something that we offer to people who are very nervous or skeptical about Physical Therapy - unsure of its benefits or if it is right for them. If that sounds like you, then please start with a free Breakthrough visit, where we take the time to listen to your individual situation, so that we can work with you to find out what is wrong and what can be done – and is completely free and will provide you with clarity and information to make the best decision about your health.

So the next question is...

“How Can Choosing to See a Physical Therapist at Breakaway Physical Therapy Help You Get Rid of Your Back Pain - In The Next Few Days?”

  • We can quickly relieve the pain and stiffness - often inside a couple of treatment sessions
  • We can help you find out what’s really going on with your back, and get to the root cause of your Back pain once and for all - often inside of 20 minutes
  • Pain can take away your energy and create restless nights - we can help you to enjoy sleeping at night and living with more energy each day
  • We will ensure that your problem is “corrected” and “healed” properly - and we will provide you with the perfect set of exercises for YOU that will speed up your recovery
  • We can help you put an end to the need for all those painkillers and muscle relaxers that keep piling up and can harm your health in the long-term
  • We can help you avoid dangerous spinal surgery - and skip the painful injections
  • We can help you keep out of the Doctor’s waiting room or from making repeat visits only to be given more pills!
  • We can help you get back to enjoying quality time with family and friends that back pain has stolen from you
  • We can help you to finally get a good night’s sleep without tossing and turning trying to find that one position that feels right on your back
  • We can help you to sit more comfortably and walk longer than 15 minutes without your back feeling weak and painful or like it is going to “give-out”

Basically, we can help you get back to living life before the onset of chronic back pain.

If you want to know what it costs - and what availability we have at our physical therapy office in Crofton, Maryland, then please just click the button below and complete the short form:

“Hear From Happy Patients of Breakaway Physical Therapy”



40's from Shady Side, MD

I injured my back at work and it ended up crippling me to the point where I couldn't walk anymore. I needed help in the bathroom. I needed help to do daily function. I was embarrassed because of how debilitated I was. You guys have just been wonderful and got me back to 100%.



40's from Bowie, MD

It started as pain and cramping in my upper back and shoulder which got to the point where I was concerned I wouldn't be able to do my job anymore. I was so cramped over trying to prevent the pain that I couldn't work. I finally said, all right, let me go see a professional.



50’s from Bowie, MD

I could hardly do anything to the point where I couldn't even pick up my brand new baby. I was basically confined to a chair just kinda sitting there cause it hurt to stand for two minutes. I tried resting and heat and the doctor gave me a lot of pills and none of those worked.

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