Emily Selby, Author at Breakaway Physical Therapy
Shaina Clemons Health Tips

"Almost Daily Health Tips From Physical Therapist Shaina Clemons..."

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New Year, New YOU, New Exercise Program 

New Year, New YOU, New Exercise Program 

Did you know that up to 50% of individuals make a New Year’s resolution to exercise more! As movement specialists, we LOVE to hear people want to move more! Its exciting to hear that people want to take care of their bodies and put their health first. Its awesome to know that people want to beContinue Reading »

Telehealth FOR Physical Therapy?!

Telehealth FOR Physical Therapy?!

This year many different businesses and aspects of our life have become digital! For better or worse, our lives have pivoted into this new (and somewhat exciting) transition. Physical therapy is NO different! We too have had to figure out the bumps and work out the kinks to still deliver skilled care to our patients soContinue Reading »

Does PT Work??

Does PT Work??

“I’ve Done Physical Therapy Before, Why does ______ Keep Happening?”Is this a question you’ve wondered about before? Maybe an old knee injury that improves for a few months and then after a hard workout or weekend doing yard work it flares back up? Sound familiar? We hear this quite frequently with our patients.When you attendContinue Reading »

Help!!! I’m Backed Up…

Help!!! I’m Backed Up…

Constipation is a very common ailment that often goes along with other pelvic floor dysfunctions. Being constipated means that your stools are very hard in texture (Think: very large or small pebbles) which are difficult to pass, and/or you go several days between voiding. Normal bowel habits are going to the bathroom 3x per dayContinue Reading »

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