Balance - Breakaway Physical Therapy
Shaina Clemons Health Tips

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Dizziness That Just Keeps Coming Back?!

Dizziness That Just Keeps Coming Back?!

Do you ever find yourself lightheaded when you stand up too fast?Do you roll over in bed to turn off the alarm clock and then feel dizzy?Do you feel like you need to touch the walls when walking because it seems like everything around you are spinning?Do you get motion sickness when you are inContinue Reading »

Don’t FALL into Fall!

Don’t FALL into Fall!

This time of year is absolutely beautiful with the crisp temperatures, the fall leaves changing color and pumpkin everything everywhere! There are tons of outdoor activities such as fall festivals, corn mazes, hayrides, haunted houses, picking pumpkins and more. It’s a great time of year to get outside and be more active too. Enjoying time hiking,Continue Reading »

Balance on one foot? WHAT??

Balance on one foot? WHAT??

A patient recently asked me how it was possible for her to improve her balance as she was in her mid 50’s. She thought that she wouldn’t be able to make any progress or changes because she was honestly considering herself as too old☹ First off, you are never too old to improve your balance andContinue Reading »

Concerned About Balance or Falls?

Concerned About Balance or Falls?

The holidays are right around the corner. This is the time of year for gathering and celebration. Many of us travel near or far to see family members and friends. Many of us examine our lives and think about changes to make for the coming year. When getting together with friends and relatives, especially olderContinue Reading »

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