Exercise - Breakaway Physical Therapy
Shaina Clemons Health Tips

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Are you Stretchy?

Are you Stretchy?

Do you stretch as part of your workouts? Do you think about stretching at the end of your workout but then stop short because you prefer cardio or more intense workouts? OR you are just ready to be done your workout and move on to the next thing running out of time in the day? Have youContinue Reading »

4 Activities To Stay Fit With The Kids This Spring!

4 Activities To Stay Fit With The Kids This Spring!

This spring, getting fit doesn’t have to be an intimidating challenge for busy moms. With a few simple activities, you and the kids can enjoy together, maintaining your physical health while having a great time with the family is easier than ever! From outdoor adventures in nature to lively indoor games, there are plenty ofContinue Reading »

5 Favorite Foam Roller Exercises

5 Favorite Foam Roller Exercises

Foam rollers are popular these days and everyone wants one! You can find them in so many stores and there are so many different types of foam rollers. There are short ones, ½ rollers, longer ones that will allow you to lay on them completely, bumpy ones, soft ones, firm ones and more. So, let’s talkContinue Reading »

Being Active While Pregnant!

Being Active While Pregnant!

Can I workout while I am pregnant? So many women suffer with back pain, hip pain, neck pain, pelvic floor aches, leakage of urine and more while they are pregnant. There are so many changes that happen to our bodies when we become pregnant and grow a baby in our belly. Things shift, stretch and move toContinue Reading »

Exercising with Pain?!

Exercising with Pain?!

Is that OK?? We all know that exercising regularly and eating nutritious foods are important for good health, but what if you have pain when you exercise? How are you supposed to be healthy or stay healthy if exercising hurts? Should you just “push through it”?  Should you ignore what your body is telling youContinue Reading »

Running Outdoors – Spring Bound

Running Outdoors – Spring Bound

This winter, have you fallen off your workout routine? I know I have! I have always preferred to exercise outdoors so during winter as much as I hate to admit it, I do not challenge myself as much and find myself “going through the motions.” I don’t know about you, but I am very much lookingContinue Reading »

Get Ready for The Outdoors

Get Ready for The Outdoors

With the beautiful weather quickly approaching, it’s time to think about getting outside in the fresh air! I know my kids are ready to head to the woods for some camping trips and fishing adventures! One of the things that we have noticed lately is how out of shape our kids are from not being asContinue Reading »

Couple Workouts!!

Couple Workouts!!

It’s the season of love and what better way to start your wellness journey then with your significant other or BFF!! Since we’ve been locked up in quarantine for the past year, we have had to be more creative with the ways that we exercise and move our bodies throughout the day to day… GoingContinue Reading »

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