Have you ever felt dizzy? Did you hear me? What’s going on inside your ear? Have you been dizzy lately and have no idea what is going on with your body or head? Like the world has tipped on its axis and the room was spinning? Did you go to see your primary care, who then sent youContinue Reading »
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Category: Conditions
The experienced team of therapists at Breakaway Physical Therapy in Crofton have created a selection of articles on various health conditions
Prostate Cancer: You Do NOT Have to Live with Urinary Incontinence
All men have the potential to be affected by prostate cancer. About 1 in 9 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetimes. While the treatments for prostate cancer are different depending on each specific case- chemo, radiation, or even a prostatectomy (or removal of the prostate entirely) are common treatments for theContinue Reading »