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Shaina Clemons Health Tips

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5 Vital Tips To Restore Your Body After Pregnancy

5 Vital Tips To Restore Your Body After Pregnancy

Becoming a mom is a unique and wonderful journey seeing your bump grow every day and looking forward to the times you’ll spend with your new baby. However, it’s important to remember that your body is doing something extraordinary. It can often take a physical toll on your body and take time to restore yourContinue Reading »

Back to Running (Part 2)

Back to Running (Part 2)

In a previous post, we discussed when a postpartum Mom could safely return to running. Now, we will discuss the how! A quick review: it is recommended that a postpartum Mom return to running between 3-6 months post-partum as long as they don’t have symptoms prior to, during, or following attempted running/exercise. Symptoms that tell youContinue Reading »

Back to Running

Back to Running

When can I start running after having a baby??I have had many patents ask me this question, and I can relate! After the birth of my son I was counting down to my 6 week post-partum check-up as exercise has always been my stress reliever and running has become one of my favorite forms ofContinue Reading »

Why Tummy Time is Important for Your Baby

Why Tummy Time is Important for Your Baby

Spending supervised time on their belly throughout the day is an important part of your baby’s development. Tummy time helps your baby build strength in their upper body, promote trunk stability, and develop head control. These skills are crucial to later developmental skills like rolling, sitting, and crawling. Tummy time also encourages your baby toContinue Reading »

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