Stephanie McKay, Author at Breakaway Physical Therapy
Shaina Clemons Health Tips

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Running Outdoors – Spring Bound

Running Outdoors – Spring Bound

This winter, have you fallen off your workout routine? I know I have! I have always preferred to exercise outdoors so during winter as much as I hate to admit it, I do not challenge myself as much and find myself “going through the motions.” I don’t know about you, but I am very much lookingContinue Reading »

Back to Running (Part 2)

Back to Running (Part 2)

In a previous post, we discussed when a postpartum Mom could safely return to running. Now, we will discuss the how! A quick review: it is recommended that a postpartum Mom return to running between 3-6 months post-partum as long as they don’t have symptoms prior to, during, or following attempted running/exercise. Symptoms that tell youContinue Reading »

Back to Running

Back to Running

When can I start running after having a baby??I have had many patents ask me this question, and I can relate! After the birth of my son I was counting down to my 6 week post-partum check-up as exercise has always been my stress reliever and running has become one of my favorite forms ofContinue Reading »

Should I Use Heat Or Ice Therapies To Ease Pain?

Should I Use Heat Or Ice Therapies To Ease Pain?

It’s well-known that ice and heat therapies can help to reduce pain, and swelling, and relax muscles. But a common question our patients ask us on a weekly (sometimes daily) basis is, which one should I use? The immediate answer is…it depends! But we’re going to go deeper than that and explore some things youContinue Reading »

What is Going on With my Arm?

What is Going on With my Arm?

Did you start having problems with your shoulder and arm after working from home?Pain or weakness in your shoulder or arm?Numbness or tingling in your fingers? Have you spent quarantine time filled with a makeshift office at home? Are you now having a difficult time reaching overhead or does your arm feel heavy? Is yourContinue Reading »

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