Physical Therapy - Breakaway Physical Therapy
Shaina Clemons Health Tips

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How To Stop Knee Pain When Bending

How To Stop Knee Pain When Bending

If you suffering with knee pain when bending, it’s likely you’re struggling to keep to your normal routine and do the things you love. Pain when your knee bends impacts your ability to move and can stop you from walks, exercise, driving and make it really difficult to keep up with your family and friends.Continue Reading »

Does PT Work??

Does PT Work??

“I’ve Done Physical Therapy Before, Why does ______ Keep Happening?”Is this a question you’ve wondered about before? Maybe an old knee injury that improves for a few months and then after a hard workout or weekend doing yard work it flares back up? Sound familiar? We hear this quite frequently with our patients.When you attendContinue Reading »

Pelvic Floor PT- What?!

Pelvic Floor PT- What?!

What can I expect in a Pelvic Floor PT Evaluation?It can often be intimidating and sometimes even scary going into a pelvic floor PT session not really knowing what to expect. Even though each pelvic PT clinic is different, here are some things to expect in your first session or evaluation so you can beContinue Reading »

Do Exercises Really Work??

Do Exercises Really Work??

I had a patient this week talk about doing their exercises at home the past 2+ weeks and how they were really starting to see a difference. Now let me be a bit more specific, they were doing the BEST exercises that were prescribed for THEM to see the change that they were looking for.WhatContinue Reading »

How to Know if a PT Office Is Right for YOU

How to Know if a PT Office Is Right for YOU

Are you wondering if you have found the BEST physical therapy office to help you on your road to recovery?? Are you unsure of what to look for in terms of a healthcare provider who is going to get you back on your feet feeling great and have an awesome experience in the process?? Here isContinue Reading »

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