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Shaina Clemons Health Tips

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How To Stop Knee Pain When Bending

How To Stop Knee Pain When Bending

If you suffering with knee pain when bending, it’s likely you’re struggling to keep to your normal routine and do the things you love. Pain when your knee bends impacts your ability to move and can stop you from walks, exercise, driving and make it really difficult to keep up with your family and friends.Continue Reading »

Start New Exercises Right

Start New Exercises Right

This year has had its highs and lows, but we are making the most of it. If you are like me, you may have taken the opportunity to take a break from typical day-to-day activities. No more in-person gathering, no more eating out, and no more trips to the gym have meant less driving andContinue Reading »

Should You Exercise With Knee Pain?

Should You Exercise With Knee Pain?

Are you suffering with long term knee pain that is preventing you from being active and getting your workouts completed on a regular basis? Do you feel lost, overwhelmed and confused about how to exercise safely with knee pain, and worried about making the problem worse or doing incurable damage? Well our physical therapist team have workedContinue Reading »

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