Brittany Gunter, Author at Breakaway Physical Therapy
Shaina Clemons Health Tips

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Pelvic Floor Tools

Pelvic Floor Tools

Many patients have walked into our clinic and looked at our display case to be quite surprised. The display case contains many of our favorite rehab products and great tools for success! As you scan the display case, you will inevitably come across some of our favorite pelvic floor rehab products. As soon as these productsContinue Reading »

Difficulty Chewing?

Difficulty Chewing?

Does it hurt to bite a tall sandwich? Is it difficult or painful to chew hard foods like a granola bar, apples, and pretzels? Does your jaw hurt to open and close OR make cracking noises if you open too far?If these are sounding familiar to you…it could be due to Temporomandibular Joint Disorder orContinue Reading »

How Often Should I Pee Every Day?

How Often Should I Pee Every Day?

We all go to the bathroom; it is a fact of life. But have you ever stopped to think about how often you have to pee? Are you going too often? Are you not going enough? Is your bladder yelling at you every time you need to go? Does it not tell you in time? These areContinue Reading »

Start New Exercises Right

Start New Exercises Right

This year has had its highs and lows, but we are making the most of it. If you are like me, you may have taken the opportunity to take a break from typical day-to-day activities. No more in-person gathering, no more eating out, and no more trips to the gym have meant less driving andContinue Reading »

Is My Pain Coming from My Shoulder or My Neck?

Is My Pain Coming from My Shoulder or My Neck?

Neck and shoulder pain can cause so many difficulties in your life. Like stopping you from enjoying your favorite book because your neck is stiff, or shoulder pain interrupting your working day because you can’t take your mind away from the pain. But the worst part is if you can’t identify the source of the pain.Continue Reading »

What Does My Hip Have to Do with My Knee Pain?

What Does My Hip Have to Do with My Knee Pain?

If you have knee pain, then you or your physician, may decide to use physical therapy to get you back to doing what you love, without pain. There are many types of knee conditions and injuries that can cause knee pain, including ligament tears, repetitive stress, and arthritis. Finding the source of knee pain canContinue Reading »

3 Tips to Preventing Back Pain

3 Tips to Preventing Back Pain

Millions of Americans suffer each year with back pain. While there can be many causes of back pain one major, and preventable, cause of back pain is muscle strain. If you stress or strain your back muscles by using them frequently and repetitively or by asking them to work harder than they are able theyContinue Reading »

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