How Long Does It Take To Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles?
Shaina Clemons Health Tips

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How Long Does It Take To Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles?

Are you struggling with incontinence, pelvic pain, constipation, pain during sexual intercourse or pelvic organ prolapse that’s leaving you stressed, paranoid and frustrated that you can’t enjoy doing the things you love, with the people you love?

Childbirth, trauma related injuries, surgery, obesity and nerve damage can all lead to pelvic floor dysfunction, but you can treat pelvic floor issues!

You might have heard about weak pelvic floor muscles leading to annoying problems such as urine leaking, and pelvic floor exercises can help fix this problem.

But if you start now, how long does it take to strengthen pelvic floor muscles?

In this blog, you can find out the most common symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction, and the 4 most important factors which influence how quickly you can strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

Symptoms Of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction can be life changing for lots of people.

Being unable to control your bladder means you may leak when coughing, exercising or laughing, or you suffer with sudden urges where you have to run to the nearest restroom.

Constipation, and bowel strains can also be a problem for some people.

Then there is the pain in your pelvis area, lower back, and discomfort during sexual intercourse that can happen.

It is a big problem (which is more common than you might think), and something that you may be embarrassed about, or think is just a part of your life that you have to get used to.

But it doesn’t have to be – you can treat pelvic floor dysfunction – and strengthening your pelvic floor muscles is an important way to overcome your pelvic floor issues.

How Long Does It Take To Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles?

How long it takes to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles will depend on a number of factors.

In our clinic, we work with lots of pelvic floor patients and the 4 most influential things that influence how quickly your pelvic floor muscles strengthen, and symptoms reduce are:

Whether You Are Doing Pelvic Floor Exercises Correctly

Pelvic floor exercises are great, but sometimes people don’t notice any improvement when they do them.

We understand how frustrating this can be, and if you’ve experienced this problem, it’s likely that you’re doing the wrong exercises for you, or you aren’t doing them right.

Often, a big benefit of seeing a pelvic health specialist is getting absolute certainty that you are doing things right.

It can be really confusing, and cause anxiety for some people who try to improve their pelvic floor health at home, on their own. Having an expert work with you, is the fastest and most effective way to treat your pelvic floor problems.

Also – and importantly – pelvic floor exercises are not right for everyone. So if you experience pain, stop and seek professional advice because pelvic floor exercises may not be the right treatment option for you.

If you are experiencing pain when doing pelvic floor exercises, arrange a Free Pelvic Floor Specialist Visit

How Often You Perform Pelvic Floor Exercises

If you are doing the right pelvic floor exercises, and doing them right, that’s great!

But are you doing them regularly enough.

This is something a professional can also help you with, so you know when, and how often you should be doing pelvic floor exercises so you aren’t doing too much, or too little.

Generally, most people should be aiming to do pelvic floor exercises a 2-3 times every day, however this can vary based on your situation.

Your Pelvic Floor Health To Begin With

If you are struggling with minor, infrequent incontinence, then it makes sense that it would take less time to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles than if you were suffering with a major issue such as pelvic organ prolapse and heavy incontinence.

However, whatever your current level of pelvic floor health, you should be able to make improvements, if not completely treat the problem with the right strategies and support.

How Well You Manage Your Overall Pelvic Floor Health

Pelvic floor exercises are just one tool to treat pelvic floor problems, and our team always take a holistic approach to treatment. Considering your water intake, fiber intake, breathing patterns, stretching routines and self-care habits can also play a role in helping your overcome pelvic floor problems.

If you feel that you are doing all the right things, and still suffering with pelvic floor problems that’s creating stress, discomfort or massive inconvenience in your life, our team are here to help treat your pelvic floor issues fast!

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy In Crofton

At our Crofton Physical Therapy clinic, our team is able to help you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, and get back to life without pelvic pain, pelvic organ prolapse or incontinence.

Founder of Breakaway Physical Therapy and Author of Mom Strong: Pregnancy And Beyond, Shaina Clemons is a mother of four, and pelvic floor physical therapy specialist in Crofton who has seen the massive changes physical therapy can have on people’s lives:

“Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy is proven to help people with urinary and bowel incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic pain.

If your pelvic pain or leakage is affecting your job, your ability to keep active, if it threatens your independence or gets in the way of spending quality time with family and friends – Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy can help get you back to living the life you deserve as quickly as possible!

To find out more about pelvic floor physical therapy, we are currently offering a limited number of Free Pelvic Floor Specialist Visits where you can discover what’s causing your issues, and the best treatment options available to you.

Our Crofton clinic is extremely busy which is why these visits are only available for the first 7 people to enquire – So complete our simple webform in 30 seconds, or call us on 410-721-6333 to claim your Free Pelvic Floor Specialist Visit before they go!

Alternatively, you can speak our team from the comfort of your own home by arranging a Free 15 Minute Telephone Consultation.

How Has Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy At Breakaway PT Helped People Like You?

Lindsay (in her 30’s from Arnold, MD):

Physical therapy has made a huge difference in a positive way. I’m now able to be intimate with my husband. I am regaining bowel control. The best thing about coming for physical therapy at breakaway is just the people here, they’re so accommodating, so friendly and wonderful.”

Chelsea (late 20’s from Crofton, MD):

Every single day I was waking up with the pain. I figured the more I moved the better but the second I sat down, it was terrible and I didn’t want to get on the floor and play with my daughter. It was affecting my life to a point where I couldn’t stop thinking about the pain.” Our team has been able to help Chelsea significantly reduce pain, and help her overcome pelvic floor issues.

Other Helpful Tips To Improve Your Pelvic Floor

Shaina Clemons

Shaina Clemons

Shaina is the founder and owner of Breakaway Physical Therapy.  She received her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from the University of Maryland Baltimore, along with a Bachelor's degree from Towson University.   Shaina is an Ironman triathlete, with a love of all sports. Exercise is her passion, which plays an important role in both her personal and professional life.  In her free time, Shaina enjoys spending time with her husband and three young children.  Shaina's love of snowboarding led her to her career choice many years ago. 
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