Have you ever looked at a room in your house and realized that it needed a total makeover or cleanout?
Well, we have a storage room, unfinished space in our basement that I was so excited about when we moved into our house. There finally was a place to store all the older kids’ clothes while we were waiting for our little kids to grow into. We can store the holiday decorations, snow gear, extra kitchen appliances and so much more.
Recently this room has gotten out of control with clothes and shoes all over the place. It needed a full revamp to get it into better shape. The first thing that I did was empty the whole room out and put things into piles to reorganize.
Then I realized that some of the bins were breaking from having too many stacked on top of each other, we needed shelves badly. So, we got some very heavy duty metal shelves so that we could stack things up without any containers or items inside the bins breaking. We spent time reorganizing the bins, labeling them better and giving away the things that we didn’t need that someone else could benefit from!
To say that the storage room looks amazing is an understatement. The best part about the project is that now we can walk into the room, easily find what we are looking for and then put things back exactly where they came from. The room that previously seemed to be overflowing now has space that we could store other items as needed. We have room to grow in the room but in an organized fashion.
In reflecting on this project, initially it was very frustrating, absolutely chaos and a daunting undertaking. In the end, it was positively rewarding the outcome and now such a functional place in the house that we feel very proud of when we walk into the room.
Sometimes in life our bodies can feel like the chaotic storage room. We are having aches and pains; we can’t even remember when they started, and we don’t know why they are happening. We lose semblance of what helps and what makes our symptoms worse. Sometimes we can’t even remember not being in pain as our brain and body only feels what we are living in currently.
Pain can be all consuming, break down our mental health and make life difficult every day. Heading to doctor after doctor without getting any answers or changes makes everything worse. You tend to feel like you don’t know where to start and how to help your body in any way to make a change. You are the storage room where it’s spinning around you, and you don’t know how to get things to settle.
The next step is finding a place that can help you, unpack all your symptoms, listen to your history to fully understand what you have been through. This is the taking everything out of the storage room so that you can look around. You need to have a professional that can give you the time that you deserve to see the full picture of what is happening to your body. They can help you sort what is most important to give you more knowledge of things we need to change in your movement patterns. This part is sorting the bins into piles of like things that you can store together.
The next step is to determine some sort of organization to what is happening to your body or putting up the storage shelves. We as physical therapists look for patterns of movement to give us information about why your body is going through what it’s going through. Understanding your range of motion, strength, posture, alignment, spinal mobility, walking pattern, breathing mechanics and so much more are the basics of what needs to be addressed when you are struggling in pain.
Then you can fully understand what needs to be worked on, which bins need more attention and reorganization, and which bins are already in a good organizational place. It’s important that you get the best guidance for your body so that you make changes in your life in the positive direction. Having exercises to complete at home is essential, but the most important part is having the best exercises for YOU.
Once you start to see some progress and changes, then you can add more work in different areas of your body (or storage room). Little by little you can make progress to reorganize your body so that it not only feels different, but it also operates better throughout your day. We want your body to stop holding you back from enjoying your favorite activities. We want to make sure that you enjoy life and everything it has to offer.
Then it comes to maintenance and keeping your storage room or body in the best place. You must keep up with your exercises, making healthy choices and taking care of your body in the best way possible. Just like you must put the bins back in their new home on the shelves, you have to ensure that you continue to work on strengthening, lengthening, breathing, posture and more to ensure balance in your body. Our body does not respond to the same things forever, so we have to actively work on it and progress our workouts for continued change.
Working on your health can be daunting just like cleaning that crazy storage room felt in the beginning. But you just have to be guided on the right path to get some understanding and then organization of where to start. Then you have to keep up with what is working and always pushing yourself in healthy ways so that you continue to not only live but thrive.
So, if you are feeling like your body is failing you, YOU are the chaotic room in your house that needs a full revamp, you are not alone. At Breakaway Physical Therapy, we are here to help you, guide you on your path to healing and support you on your road to recovery. There will be bumps in the road, but we are here to answer your questions and help you stay on the path to your best life. The best place to start is a free consultation where you get the opportunity to talk with one of our physical therapist experts. They will listen to your story and let you know the best path to start on for healing.
Then it’s up to you when you ready to commit to work on your body and start the hard work. That hard work though is some of the most rewarding work you can do because it has such a powerful impact on your life. Send us an email if you are ready to get started and can relate to my story -getbetter@breakawaypt.com
There isn’t a single person that hasn’t had a positive impact from meeting with us, understanding more about their body and learning how they can help themselves to live a different and better life. Can’t wait to meet you and happy to share pictures of our project!