Massage the New Year - Breakaway Physical Therapy
Shaina Clemons Health Tips

"Almost Daily Health Tips From Physical Therapist Shaina Clemons..."

Massage the New Year


It’s a brand-new year, and what better way to kick of the new year than with a littleself-care. Each year we make new resolutions and try to improve something, give something up, or learn a new hobby.

One of the resolutions that I continue to make each year is taking better care of myself. Whether it’s fueling my body with the appropriate nutrients and water, exercising more, getting outside more often, or fueling my brain with more knowledge, self-care is always something that I try to prioritize going into the new year.

This year I have especially been trying to take better care of my body. It’s so silly to think that our bodies really do carry us through this life, but it is so true! How we take care of them can really make or break how we feel on a daily basis and what things we can accomplish.

Many people go through life with a lot of stress on their shoulders, especially because of this past year. Read my previous blog about how stress can affect your body if you want to learn more about how physical therapy can help YOU!

One of the things that I am going to be prioritizing and making more time for this year is…massage!

Massage is a great tool that you can use to help you prioritize your health and give your body that TLC that it really does deserve going into 2021. I often have patients ask me, “Do you think I would benefit from a massage as well as Physical Therapy?” And most of the time my answer is, YES!

As physical therapists we use a hands-on approach when working with our patients. We believe that if your muscles and tissues are not moving properly, your body is limited in its ability and can therefore cause pain, tightness, and sometimes even weakness!

Here at Breakaway, we use a few different techniques such as Soft Tissue Mobilization and Myofascial Release to improve these restrictions in your muscles and underlying tissues, just to name a few. The point of these techniques is to allow the muscles to work at their full capacity and decrease any “knots” or “restrictions” that are causing issues, aches, pains and more.

At Breakaway, we have a massage therapist that works right in our office, so no need to look further for one! She uses therapeutic massage to help enhance the body’s natural restorative functioning. She also uses a form of massage that incorporates stretching that is unique and ultimately an absolute dream in my opinion.

Massage can be used to:

  • Increase blood flow
  • Increase lymphatic circulation
  • Reduce tension
  • Promote relaxation

The use of massage in conjunction with physical therapy can maximize the body’s potential for recovery and can oftentimes decrease the time it takes for the body to heal!

If you are looking for how you can take better care of your body and prioritize your HEALTH, then massage is your answer.

If you are interested in scheduling a massage OR a physical therapy evaluation feel free to call us at 410-721-6333 or email us at We offer a FREE 15 minute “Taster” for massages as well as a FREE 30-minute consultation with a Physical Therapist to make sure we are the best fit for YOU!

This New Year is a fresh beginning and the BEST time to make your health important. We look forward to seeing you in the clinic in 2021 and helping you along your journey of taking better care of YOU, because you DESERVE it! 

Caroline McDaniel

Caroline McDaniel

Caroline was born and raised in the Mississippi Delta and if you listen closely, you will hear her fun accent “yawl”. She loves to travel and spend time with her friends and family.  She attended Auburn University for her Bachelors in Exercise Science (WAR EAGLE!) and then went on to get her DPT from University of Mississippi Medical Center. She became interested in Women’s Health during PT school, where she saw the amazing changes to the body that can happen with this type of treatment. Exploring the outdoors is her favorite and she is excited to see more of the Maryland area. She has taken many yoga and barre classes, which helps further her ideas for her patients. Reading books keeps her mind and energy going, as well as her competitive spirit of how many books can she read in a year?! How many can you read? 
Caroline McDaniel

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