Are you wondering if you have found the BEST physical therapy office to help you on your road to recovery?? Are you unsure of what to look for in terms of a healthcare provider who is going to get you back on your feet feeling great and have an awesome experience in the process?? Here isContinue Reading »
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Author: Shaina Clemons
Pain Behind Your Eyeball? What Is It and How Can You Get Rid of It?
So many people complain of headaches, tension in the neck and shoulder joints, BUT when you start to have pain that radiates to your eyeball, you start to wonder what is going on?! Do you have pain along your neck that shoots across your face or on top of your head, but eventually you feel behindContinue Reading »
Exercise is the Key to Life
Are you exercising regularly? What type of exercise do you like to do? What movement activity makes you happy?Everyone has a different interest when it comes to exercise and that is important to think about for yourself. Now I know what you are thinking… “I don’t like to exercise!”. But I beg to differ that thereContinue Reading »
Don’t Keep Sitting IN Pelvic Pain, Get Help Now!
Have you been sitting more over the past month and feeling pelvic pain worsen as the weeks go on?? Are you having burning pain and difficulty sitting unless you try one of those cushions that takes pressure off your tailbone? Are you wondering WHY you are having this irritating pain? Do you want to getContinue Reading »
Should You Exercise With Knee Pain?
Are you suffering with long term knee pain that is preventing you from being active and getting your workouts completed on a regular basis? Do you feel lost, overwhelmed and confused about how to exercise safely with knee pain, and worried about making the problem worse or doing incurable damage? Well our physical therapist team have workedContinue Reading »
Simple Ways to Ease Back Pain When at Work
Do you have back pain while sitting at your desk chair?? Is it harder and harder to concentrate throughout your day because your back pain starts in the morning and then increases the more that you sit at work?? By the time you leave work and drive home, do you feel like you can’t getContinue Reading »
Will My Abdominals Ever Be Normal After Having A Baby?
Of course they CAN be, but we have to work at those abdominals after having a baby. 9 months of carrying those cuties and it takes work afterwards to get our bodies to a NEW NORMAL!What happens during pregnancy? Abdominals separate in the third trimester of pregnancy to make room for the baby to growContinue Reading »
Backpack Safety
With the school year underway, it is crucial for your kids to have a great backpack that does not cause any aches or pains along the spine. Backpacks are getting heavier and heavier each year with the weight of textbooks and things. They are lugging the backpacks onto and off the bus or walking withContinue Reading »
3 Tips For Back Pain
Back pain is one of the most common discomforts that people deal with daily. Sometimes it feels like nothing helps and that it will never change. That daunting feeling can be helped with some simple tips to reduce your daily struggles! 3 Tips to Help You With Your Back Pain 1. Roll to your sideContinue Reading »