This is one of the most common questions that we get asked when people reach out about getting some help with their pelvic floor challenges. Most people have no idea what this sort of treatment looks like and have no idea that physical therapy could help them in the first place. Physical therapy is a hugeContinue Reading »

"Almost Daily Health Tips From Physical Therapist Shaina Clemons..."
The Power of Habits
In the New Year, many people set resolutions to start eating healthy, exercise more, sleeping a full night and so many other things. It’s a time where you can reflect on the previous year and have a fresh start to your path, whatever that may be. No matter what your new goal is, it will startContinue Reading »
Storage Room Body
Have you ever looked at a room in your house and realized that it needed a total makeover or cleanout? Well, we have a storage room, unfinished space in our basement that I was so excited about when we moved into our house. There finally was a place to store all the older kids’ clothes whileContinue Reading »
Pelvic Pain and Sexual Health- When to Seek Help

Any amount of pelvic pain or discomfort with intimacy is not something that you should live with. Meaning you should get help so that you can have the best pelvic health. Pain is a signal from the body and a message telling us that there is something wrong. The next step is listening to whatContinue Reading »
Best Pelvic Floor Exercises for Postpartum Moms
Having a baby can be one of the most exciting times in your life and change your world for the better. A mom is the most special name we can be given, and a healthy mom and healthy baby is all that matters. That being said, our body changes drastically throughout pregnancy and during ourContinue Reading »
Cool Down Conditioning
In reading my previous blog, Warm-up Why, we talked about how many people don’t have the time or make the time to do warm-ups as a part of their workouts. Sometimes people skip the warm-up to get their workout done faster or they don’t know how to properly warm-up, so they just move past thatContinue Reading »
Warm-up WHY
Exercise is an activity that some people love, and some people don’t like at all. Sometimes it’s a push just to get yourself moving, to the workout class, out the door to the gym to make your workout happen. We rely on discipline because the motivation won’t always be there. Most people exercise to improve theirContinue Reading »
Running Strong
*This is a follow up to our earlier post 4 Signs Your Pelvic Floor May Not Love Your Love of Running where I go into more detail explaining where the pelvic floor muscles are, how they should work and more understanding of the symptoms runners face that indicate they are struggling with pelvic floor dysfunction.Continue Reading »
Stroller Posture
Do you have kids and feel like pushing your stroller hurts your back?When you walk up a hill, is the stroller so far out in front of you and your arms are straight as you look at the ground?Are you tired after a walk because you are gripping the stroller for dear life?Does your neckContinue Reading »
Are you Stretchy?
Do you stretch as part of your workouts? Do you think about stretching at the end of your workout but then stop short because you prefer cardio or more intense workouts? OR you are just ready to be done your workout and move on to the next thing running out of time in the day? Have youContinue Reading »