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Shaina Clemons Health Tips

"Almost Daily Health Tips From Physical Therapist Shaina Clemons..."


Is your knee talking to you?

Is your knee talking to you?

Is your knee talking to you? Do you wake up in the morning and don’t want to get out of bed because when you take a step and your knee starts aching? Do you feel off balance and unstable around your knee joint? Do you look for support or something to grab a hold ofContinue Reading »

Yoga Practice

Yoga Practice

Have You Always Wanted to Try Yoga and Never Knew Where or How to Begin?It sounds like a difficult exercise with poses where you can be stretching for long periods of time or even completing your yoga practice in rooms with hot temperatures?! Yoga does not have to be difficult and is very therapeutic for yourContinue Reading »

Why Does My Back Ache?

Why Does My Back Ache?

No one likes back pain and yet it is the number one thing that we suffer from as we go through our life. It is the most common symptom that all people will deal with and seek out healthcare for. Our spine starts to deteriorate at the young age of 23 where we can sometimesContinue Reading »

Snow And Back Pain

Snow And Back Pain

The snow is falling, and my back is aching… The snow has been falling, and the flakes have accumulated to some days already of a Winter Wonderland this year! Maryland weather can be hard to predict; with one day that is 60+ degrees outside and then the next is 10 inches of snow on theContinue Reading »

Dizziness That Just Keeps Coming Back?!

Dizziness That Just Keeps Coming Back?!

Do you ever find yourself lightheaded when you stand up too fast?Do you roll over in bed to turn off the alarm clock and then feel dizzy?Do you feel like you need to touch the walls when walking because it seems like everything around you are spinning?Do you get motion sickness when you are inContinue Reading »

The Gift of Sleep This Year

The Gift of Sleep This Year

This may sound silly because most people aim to always have the gift of sleep each and every night. A restful night’s sleep is one of the best things for our body, our health and wellness to be able to be wake up ready to tackle the next day. Hitting the ground running can’t happenContinue Reading »

Don’t FALL into Fall!

Don’t FALL into Fall!

This time of year is absolutely beautiful with the crisp temperatures, the fall leaves changing color and pumpkin everything everywhere! There are tons of outdoor activities such as fall festivals, corn mazes, hayrides, haunted houses, picking pumpkins and more. It’s a great time of year to get outside and be more active too. Enjoying time hiking,Continue Reading »

Moving and Lifting Tips

Moving and Lifting Tips

There is so much moving going around these days with lots of houses on the market and many people looking to find a better fit for their family. Some are looking for more space, others are looking for a bigger backyard and more are looking to find the perfect spot for their home since workContinue Reading »

Pillows for Kids

Pillows for Kids

One of the most important parts of our day is when we go to sleep at night. This may sound funny or silly, but rest is essential for the body to recover and heal from everything that happens to our body throughout the day. Sleep is important for concentration, brain function, productivity, immune health, enhancesContinue Reading »

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