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Shaina Clemons Health Tips

"Almost Daily Health Tips From Physical Therapist Shaina Clemons..."


Back to Running (Part 2)

Back to Running (Part 2)

In a previous post, we discussed when a postpartum Mom could safely return to running. Now, we will discuss the how! A quick review: it is recommended that a postpartum Mom return to running between 3-6 months post-partum as long as they don’t have symptoms prior to, during, or following attempted running/exercise. Symptoms that tell youContinue Reading »

Does PT Work??

Does PT Work??

“I’ve Done Physical Therapy Before, Why does ______ Keep Happening?”Is this a question you’ve wondered about before? Maybe an old knee injury that improves for a few months and then after a hard workout or weekend doing yard work it flares back up? Sound familiar? We hear this quite frequently with our patients.When you attendContinue Reading »

Pelvic Floor PT- What?!

Pelvic Floor PT- What?!

What can I expect in a Pelvic Floor PT Evaluation?It can often be intimidating and sometimes even scary going into a pelvic floor PT session not really knowing what to expect. Even though each pelvic PT clinic is different, here are some things to expect in your first session or evaluation so you can beContinue Reading »

Difficulty Chewing?

Difficulty Chewing?

Does it hurt to bite a tall sandwich? Is it difficult or painful to chew hard foods like a granola bar, apples, and pretzels? Does your jaw hurt to open and close OR make cracking noises if you open too far?If these are sounding familiar to you…it could be due to Temporomandibular Joint Disorder orContinue Reading »

Do Exercises Really Work??

Do Exercises Really Work??

I had a patient this week talk about doing their exercises at home the past 2+ weeks and how they were really starting to see a difference. Now let me be a bit more specific, they were doing the BEST exercises that were prescribed for THEM to see the change that they were looking for.WhatContinue Reading »

Back to Running

Back to Running

When can I start running after having a baby??I have had many patents ask me this question, and I can relate! After the birth of my son I was counting down to my 6 week post-partum check-up as exercise has always been my stress reliever and running has become one of my favorite forms ofContinue Reading »

Should I Use Heat Or Ice Therapies To Ease Pain?

Should I Use Heat Or Ice Therapies To Ease Pain?

It’s well-known that ice and heat therapies can help to reduce pain, and swelling, and relax muscles. But a common question our patients ask us on a weekly (sometimes daily) basis is, which one should I use? The immediate answer is…it depends! But we’re going to go deeper than that and explore some things youContinue Reading »

How Often Should I Pee Every Day?

How Often Should I Pee Every Day?

We all go to the bathroom; it is a fact of life. But have you ever stopped to think about how often you have to pee? Are you going too often? Are you not going enough? Is your bladder yelling at you every time you need to go? Does it not tell you in time? These areContinue Reading »

Help!!! I’m Backed Up…

Help!!! I’m Backed Up…

Constipation is a very common ailment that often goes along with other pelvic floor dysfunctions. Being constipated means that your stools are very hard in texture (Think: very large or small pebbles) which are difficult to pass, and/or you go several days between voiding. Normal bowel habits are going to the bathroom 3x per dayContinue Reading »

Balance on one foot? WHAT??

Balance on one foot? WHAT??

A patient recently asked me how it was possible for her to improve her balance as she was in her mid 50’s. She thought that she wouldn’t be able to make any progress or changes because she was honestly considering herself as too old☹ First off, you are never too old to improve your balance andContinue Reading »

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