No one likes back pain and yet it is the number one thing that we suffer from as we go through our life. It is the most common symptom that all people will deal with and seek out healthcare for. Our spine starts to deteriorate at the young age of 23 where we can sometimesContinue Reading »
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Category: Back Pain
The experienced team of therapists at Breakaway Physical Therapy in Crofton have created a selection of articles to help you overcome Back Pain.
Snow And Back Pain
The snow is falling, and my back is aching… The snow has been falling, and the flakes have accumulated to some days already of a Winter Wonderland this year! Maryland weather can be hard to predict; with one day that is 60+ degrees outside and then the next is 10 inches of snow on theContinue Reading »
Moving and Lifting Tips
There is so much moving going around these days with lots of houses on the market and many people looking to find a better fit for their family. Some are looking for more space, others are looking for a bigger backyard and more are looking to find the perfect spot for their home since workContinue Reading »
Sleepy and Back Pain?!
Have you ever woken up after a restful night of sleep and thought to yourself, “Man, my back is killing me?” If this is you, chances are you are NOT alone. Before you take the plunge to throw out your mattress, you might want to take a look at your sleeping posture. Yes, you heardContinue Reading »
Does Your Back Hurt When You Stand?
Do you have back pain when you stand for any period of time? Do you ache with pain when you are waiting in a line at Target or the grocery store to buy your things? If you try to go for a walk and especially a walk that has a lot of hills, does yourContinue Reading »
Is Low Back Pain Normal During Pregnancy?
Low back pain is the most common complaint among women during pregnancy. In fact, studies have shown that between 50-70% of women experience low back pain at some point during pregnancy. While this may be common, it is NOT normal. Frequently, physicians who treat them say that it is just part of pregnancy and itContinue Reading »
5 Ways To Ease Back Pain While Driving
Do You Have Pain In Your Back, Neck, Shoulders, Hips Or Feet When You Drive? Has anyone ever taught you about the correct position your body should be in when you are driving? How many of you knew you could adjust your steering wheel and chair to properly fit your body? Many of you I amContinue Reading »
Simple Ways to Ease Back Pain When at Work
Do you have back pain while sitting at your desk chair?? Is it harder and harder to concentrate throughout your day because your back pain starts in the morning and then increases the more that you sit at work?? By the time you leave work and drive home, do you feel like you can’t getContinue Reading »
3 Tips to Preventing Back Pain
Millions of Americans suffer each year with back pain. While there can be many causes of back pain one major, and preventable, cause of back pain is muscle strain. If you stress or strain your back muscles by using them frequently and repetitively or by asking them to work harder than they are able theyContinue Reading »
Backpack Safety
With the school year underway, it is crucial for your kids to have a great backpack that does not cause any aches or pains along the spine. Backpacks are getting heavier and heavier each year with the weight of textbooks and things. They are lugging the backpacks onto and off the bus or walking withContinue Reading »