Foam rollers are popular these days and everyone wants one! You can find them in so many stores and there are so many different types of foam rollers. There are short ones, ½ rollers, longer ones that will allow you to lay on them completely, bumpy ones, soft ones, firm ones and more. So, let’s talkContinue Reading »
"Almost Daily Health Tips From Physical Therapist Shaina Clemons..."
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Category: Health Tips
The experienced team of therapists at Breakaway Physical Therapy in Crofton have created a selection of helpful health articles.
One Body
I talk a lot about how we have ONE body, and we need to take care of it. Also, that relates to how our whole body is connected and if you are having some knee pain, then we also need to look at what is going on with your hip, your feet and your walkingContinue Reading »
Moving and Lifting Tips
There is so much moving going around these days with lots of houses on the market and many people looking to find a better fit for their family. Some are looking for more space, others are looking for a bigger backyard and more are looking to find the perfect spot for their home since workContinue Reading »
Pillows for Kids
One of the most important parts of our day is when we go to sleep at night. This may sound funny or silly, but rest is essential for the body to recover and heal from everything that happens to our body throughout the day. Sleep is important for concentration, brain function, productivity, immune health, enhancesContinue Reading »
Setting You Up From The Ground Up
When we have aches and pains in our body, our body is trying to tell us something. It’s telling us that something is not right and needs to be altered, shifted, strengthened, lengthened, or more. What we need to think about is what is happening to set us up from the ground up…meaning our FEET!Why AreContinue Reading »
Getting Ready for Baby – Hospital Bag Must Haves
I’m sure that you have been going through your pregnancy thinking that you have all the time in the world before your baby comes out?! I mean 9 months is a long time, right?! Well during your pregnancy, I hope that you have spent some time taking care of your body… Lower back – theContinue Reading »
April Showers – DRIP, DROP, DRIP, DROP
It’s finally April! The birds are chirping and the flowers are blooming. Spring has sprung and the warmer weather is right around the corner. Now that is April, with that comes the dreaded “April Showers.” Even though there might be some rain and poor weather coming our way this month, one “shower” you do NOTContinue Reading »
Kids Spring Tune Up – Put a little Spring in Your Step
Aside from a snow day here and there, winter is a time that most people spend more time indoors. Most people are moving a little slower, wanting to stay under a blanket and curl up by the fire. The winter is a time of celebration, hearty meals, more snacks and of course hot cocoa- anythingContinue Reading »
Put Some Spring into Your Step: The Importance of Good Footwear
Spring is upon us! And what a good feeling that is. More sunshine, theoretically warmer weather (although it always seems to take longer than we think!) and more outdoor activities! What isn’t a good feeling…are your feet hurting because you picked the wrong shoes for your feet?! I know when the weather warms up, we (meContinue Reading »
Running Outdoors – Spring Bound
This winter, have you fallen off your workout routine? I know I have! I have always preferred to exercise outdoors so during winter as much as I hate to admit it, I do not challenge myself as much and find myself “going through the motions.” I don’t know about you, but I am very much lookingContinue Reading »